We have gathered the aggregated data from 1 of your Cloudflare Sites during the month of February. You served 146.07 MBof bandwidth, and we stopped 34 threats.
Protect yourself from DDoS attacks, brute-force attempts, and other application layer threats with Cloudflare Rate Limiting. With our Rate Limiting you only pay for the good traffic to your site.
Secondary DNS Analytics are now available to all our secondary DNS customers. This feature provides in-depth insights and visibility into DNS queries. Explore DNS queries based on response code, record type, as well as records that return a NXDOMAIN response. Also view DNS query distribution across Cloudflare's data centers. This feature is accessible in the Analytics Tab of your Cloudflare Dashboard or through the DNS Analytics API.
Cloudflare announced that it has purchased S2 Systems Corporation, a Seattle-area startup that has built an innovative remote browser isolation solution unlike any other currently in the market. Learn what browser isolation is, why it's important, how the S2 Systems cloud browser works, and how it fits with Cloudflare's mission to help build a better Internet.
The novel coronavirus is actively changing how organizations work in real-time. As the epidemic crosses borders, employees are staying home and putting new stress on how companies manage remote work. Learn how Cloudflare Access can help teams migrate to a model that makes it seamless for users to work from any location, or any device, without the need for lengthy migrations or onboarding sessions.
At Cloudflare, our mission is to help build a better Internet, and we believe data privacy is core to that mission. We wanted to take the opportunity to show you how our commitment to privacy crosses all levels of the work we do at Cloudflare to help make the Internet more private and secure—and therefore better—for everyone.
JavaScript Libraries Are Almost Never Updated Once Installed
Our analysis today is focused on one question: once installed on a site, do JavaScript libraries ever get updated? Let's consider jQuery, the most popular JavaScript library on Earth.
Webinar: No trade-offs: Building secure, fast, and reliable networks
Date: March 11th @ 10:00 AM PST
Join John Graham-Cumming, CTO Cloudflare, to learn how to lower your TCO and experience easier deployment and management of network services, all without compromising security, performance, or reliability.
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