March 2020 Analytics Snapshot | |
We've aggregated data from 1 of your Cloudflare Sites during the month of March. You served 107.74 MB of Bandwidth, and we stopped 27 threats. | |
Top traffic by location during March | |
Top Traffic Locations - United States: 2,761
- Indonesia: 467
- France: 459
- Germany: 313
- Other: 1,537
| | | |
Top threats by location during March | |
▼(-21%) threats since Feb 27 THREATS STOPPED | Top Threats Locations - China: 10
- France: 9
- United States: 4
- Lithuania: 3
- Other: 1
| | | |
Unlock Extraordinary Performance | |
At Cloudflare, we are seeing Internet traffic surge as more companies have given their employees the right to work from home, restricted business travel and, in some cases, outright sent their entire workforce home. Keep your site online even as traffic surges with Cloudflare load balancing.
With our local and global load balancing, geographic routing, server health checks, and automatic failover, you can ensure that your site is fast, responsive, and reliable. | |
Cloudflare During the Coronavirus Emergency
We know that organizations and individuals around the world depend on Cloudflare and our network. The healthy functioning of our global economy depends on work continuing to get done, even as people need to do that work remotely. If Cloudflare can do anything to help ensure that happens, we believe it is our duty to do so. Cloudflare CEO Matthew Prince shares a personal note about getting through this difficult time together.
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Secure access to internal applications without a VPN
The recent surge in remote work is testing the capacity of VPN solutions. Cloudflare for Teams makes it secure and seamless for employees to access applications from anywhere without connecting to a VPN. We're offering Cloudflare for Teams free for organizations of any size through September 1st, and technical experts are standing by to help you set it up.
Get started now > | |
Helping small businesses stay online and connected
Effective remote work is more than just getting online - it requires communication, collaboration, and face-to-face connection with your team. Cloudflare is one of 15 technology companies working to help small businesses enable remote work during the Coronavirus emergency. See what's available to your team on the Open for Business hub.
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COVID-19 impacts on Internet traffic
As the COVID-19 emergency continues and an increasing number of cities and countries are establishing quarantines, we've seen growth in traffic from residential broadband networks, and a slowing of traffic from businesses and universities. Over the last few weeks, the Cloudflare Network team has noticed some new patterns and we wanted to share a few of them with you. Read the latest updates to learn more about how COVID-19 has significantly impacted global internet traffic in recent weeks.
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Planning for Increased Infrastructure Resilience and Uptime On-Demand
Join John Graham Cumming, CTO of Cloudflare, Jerome Fleury, Director of Engineering and Tom Paseka, Network Strategy as we discuss the impact we're seeing on our network and how you can be better prepared to manage the long term implications of the current pandemic with proactive measures to ensure the resiliency and availability of your network infrastructure.
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Demo: VPN-less Remote Access with Cloudflare for Teams On-Demand
If your team is hamstrung by a VPN that can't handle the surge in usage — or you just have the itch to ditch your hardware-based VPN — Cloudflare Access is here to help, and it's free until September 1. This webinar includes a live demo showing how you can configure Access to protect internally-hosted applications and infrastructure — without a VPN.
Watch Now > | |
Why Modern Architecture Requires Modern Protection Wednesday, April 8, 2020, 11:00PM EST
Join Cloudflare Head of Solutions Engineering, APAC, James Ball, to find out how customers can leverage the scale and intelligence of cloud computing to make their security systems as effective and performant as the rest of their networks.
Register Now > | |
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