We've aggregated data from 1 of your Cloudflare Sites during the month of August. Cloudflare served 97.29 MB of data, and mitigated 152 firewall events.
Top traffic by location during August
▼(-8%) traffic since July 10.2% DATA TRANSFER SAVED
Protect yourself from DDoS attacks, brute-force attempts, and other application layer threats. With Cloudflare Rate-Limiting, only pay for good traffic to your site.
In Q2 2020 (April 1, 2020 to June 30, 2020), DDoS attack trends increased as the number of L3/4 DDoS attacks observed over our network doubled in Q2 compared to that in the first three months of the year. We also observed some of the largest attacks ever recorded over our network in the past quarter. Learn how Cloudflare protects websites, applications, and entire networks from DDoS attacks of any size, kind, or level of sophistication in detail.
Group by and zoom charts now available for paid plans Paid plan customers can now easily and quickly drill into their analytics to better understand the traffic patterns on their Internet property. With the introduction of the zoom and group-by features, see in more detail any variations in their traffic patterns right from the dashboard. These features are now generally available to all Cloudflare customers using Firewall, Cache, Load Balancing, or Network analytics on our paid plans.
Interesting Reads
New and improved Workers Docs Workers announced a new "Deploy to Workers" button with GitHub integration, making it even easier to deploy a project in under 5 mins!
The death of network hardware appliances — and what it means for your cloud migration Online Webinar | September 15 @ 11:00 AM PT
Join Vivek Ganti, Cloudflare Product Marketing Manager, as he outlines common challenges of an on-premise to Cloud transition, explores potential consequences, and proposes cloud-based solutions for improving the speed, affordability, and security of hybrid cloud infrastructure.
Ensuring zero trade-off between security and customer experience Online Webinar | September 16 @ 11:00 AM PT
LendingTree is the largest online lending marketplace for financial borrowing. John (Lending Tree) and Candice (Cloudflare) discuss common security and performance challenges faced by online platforms, and how to maintain the right balance between security and business objectives.
Cloudflare TV is a 24x7 live television broadcast. Tune in. Geek out. Watch now >
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