We've aggregated data from 1 of your Cloudflare Sites during the month of September. Cloudflare served 73.98 MB of data, and mitigated 74 firewall events.
Top traffic by location during September
▼(-9%) traffic since August 7.6% DATA TRANSFER SAVED
Sluggish load times and server outages drive away your customers, but you can accelerate and safeguard your site with Cloudflare Load Balancing. With our local and global load balancing, geographic routing, server health checks, and automatic failover, you can ensure that your site is fast, responsive, and reliable.
2020 marks Cloudflare's 10th birthday, and this year we launched new products and hosted product experts, customers, and industry peers all week long on Cloudflare TV.
Check out our Birthday Week wrap-up to explore many of the key issues facing the future of the Internet.
Introducing Cloudflare Web Analytics Paid plan customers can now easily and quickly drill into their analytics to better understand the traffic patterns on their Internet property. With the introduction of the zoom and group-by features, see in more detail any variations in their traffic patterns right from the dashboard. These features are now generally available to all Cloudflare customers using Firewall, Cache, Load Balancing, or Network analytics on our paid plans.
New Cloudflare for Teams website Learn more about remote workforce security, VPN replacement opportunities, Zero Trust and other strategic concepts at the new Cloudflare for Teams website.
Migrating cdnjs to serverless with Workers KV Cdnjs is a Cloudflare-powered open-source project that accelerates websites by delivering popular JavaScript libraries and resources via Cloudflare's network. We're excited to announce Cloudflare delivers cdnjs using Cloudflare Workers and Workers KV!
Zero Trust Teams Summit Thursday October 16, 12:00 PM PST
Join Cloudflare for a technology summit on the future of Zero Trust security and get an exclusive first look at all-new Cloudflare for Teams capabilities that will help teams of all sizes protect corporate data without compromising on speed or performance.
Cloudflare TV is a 24x7 live television broadcast. Tune in. Geek out. Watch now >
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