We've aggregated data from 1 of your Cloudflare Sites during the month of October. Cloudflare served 87.08 MB of data, and mitigated 82 firewall events.
Top traffic by location during October
▼(-5%) traffic since September 5.5% DATA TRANSFER SAVED
Build serverless applications on Cloudflare's global network of data centers. Cloudflare Workers provides a lightweight JavaScript execution environment, empowering developers to build upon existing applications or develop new ones without worrying about infrastructure.
Bring the Zero Trust security features of Cloudflare Access to your SaaS applications. You can protect any SaaS application that can integrate with a SAML identity provider with Cloudflare Access.
Cloudflare Gateway now includes L7 filtering and support for roaming devices Cloudflare Gateway now integrates with the Cloudflare WARP desktop client and also performs L7 filtering to inspect traffic for threats that hide below the surface. Like our DNS filtering and resolver, both features are powered by everything we've learned by offering Cloudflare WARP to millions of users globally.
Introducing WARP for Desktop and Cloudflare for Teams WARP was built on the philosophy that even people who don't know what "VPN" stands for should be able to still easily get the protection a VPN offers. For those of us unfortunately very familiar with traditional corporate VPNs, something better was needed.
If you missed any of the announcements or programming from this year's Birthday Week, you can visit the Birthday Week page where you will find on-demand recordings for every fireside chat with industry luminaries on the future of the Internet. You can also revisit every product launch and resources from the week on the same page.
Cloudflare TV is a 24x7 live television broadcast. Tune in. Geek out. Watch now >
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